Text Only Version Last Update: Press Releases (31 January 2006)
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Ruffley’s new online survey highlights demand for Local Suffolk police force; he highlights inadequate consultation on restructuring our region’s policing and signs House of Commons Early Day Motion
‘This ludicrously short consultation period is irresponsible and jeopardises the excellent level of policing we currently enjoy in Suffolk’
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David Ruffley MP has today expressed his deep concern with the consultation period on the restructuring of police forces.
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David Ruffley has signed Early Day Motion 1393 which “recognises that the potential changes in structures are the most significant for over 30 years; (and) believes that it is essential that there is proper consultation with police authorities and all interested parties and with the public.”
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David said:
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“The results of my own recent online survey showed that of the more than 500 people that responded 95% supported my campaign to keep Suffolk’s police and fire services based in Suffolk. In addition to this 94% would rather see Suffolk Constabulary retained in its current form. This is an overwhelming rejection of this Governments planned reforms.
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“Central Government restructuring our police force has a great many implications for my constituents across Suffolk and I intend to press the Government most strongly to listen to the views of those concerned.
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“Regionalisation could see the people of Suffolk sharing their policing with an area as different in geography and demographics as urban Hertfordshire. How could such a force remain as locally focused and accountable as Suffolk Constabulary?
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“I want to see local communities having a genuine connection with their police forces. Regionalised forces risk greater centralisation rather than giving power back to the communities they serve.
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“I hope that this Early Day Motion will compel the Government to think again about forcing through their radical plans in such a short space of time.”
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27 January 2006
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layout element layout element David following his meeting on police red tape with Chief Inspector Andy Henwood - Click here for larger image. layout element layout element
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layout element layout element Police on beat - Click here for larger image. layout element layout element
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layout element layout element David with Cllr Frank Warby welcoming new CCTV in Bury St Edmunds - Click here for larger image. layout element layout element
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David Ruffley MP - On Your Side
This web site is the responsibility of David Ruffley MP and is paid for from the Incidental Expenses Provision