Text Only Version Last Update: Press Releases (28 April 2006)
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Ruffley voices support for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week and encourages local people to support their branch of the MS Society
David Ruffley MP has today voiced his support for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Week which begins on 22 April.
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There are an estimated 85,000 MS sufferers in the UK. The MS Society is the UK's largest charity for people affected by MS.
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The Society funds MS research, runs respite care centres, provides grants, education and training on MS. It produces numerous publications on MS and runs a free phone specialist helpline. They are committed to bringing high standards of quality health and social care within reach of everyone affected by MS and encourage and support medical and applied research into its cause and control.
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The Bury St Edmunds branch raised £1037 pounds in a collection on Saturday 15 April and is planning a Casino Evening in association with the Home Guard Club on Saturday 22 April.
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The South Suffolk branch, which covers Ipswich and Stowmarket, will be benefiting from part of the proceeds from an art exhibition at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh which runs from 23 April.
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David said:
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“Every week 50 people in the UK are diagnosed with MS and it is most common potentially disabling disease of the central nervous system affecting young adults in the Western world.
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“MS Awareness week does a great deal to highlight this cause and the fantastic work of the MS Society. Local branches are voluntary organisations and I would encourage local people to support their efforts.
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“Last Saturday the Bury St Edmunds branch managed to raise £1037 in a collection, this is a fantastic achievement.
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“We must all try to do our bit to support those with MS, their families and carers.
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“The local branches in Bury St Edmunds and South Suffolk are always looking for more volunteers, ideas and support and I hope that during this year’s MS Awareness Week local people make an extra effort to assist this incredibly worthwhile cause.”
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19 April 2006
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