gjhfgjhhRuffley Gives Backing to Help the Hospices

Thursday, 15 May, 2003

David Ruffley MP for Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket has just signed an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons congratulating the work of Help the Hospices.

David said, 'I have signed this motion to show my support and offer my thanks to all of the staff and volunteers such as those in St Nicholas' in Bury St Edmunds who work tirelessly to provide outstanding care to so many people.

gjhfgjhhArticle for West Suffolk Mercury

Tuesday, 8 April, 2003

Winning the war has dominated my local postbag. Now it is all about winning the peace.

In our part of East Anglia- more than anywhere else in England- there is a long historical tradition of radical social conscience.

We saw it in the 'Stop the War' vigil during the recent tree planting ceremony in the Bury St Edmunds Abbey Gardens in memory of British and US terrorist victims. Some politicians attacked the protesters but it was a peaceful, local protest based on principled opposition to war.

gjhfgjhhWhy Shouldn't Suffolk Get Its Fair Share?

Thursday, 17 April, 2003

Apart from the war, most East Anglian MPs get more letters from the public about the NHS than anything else.

Quite right too. The peace of mind that knowing the NHS is there for our families in times of need, regardless of ability to pay, is something we all support. We all back the NHS and the principles underpinning it.

gjhfgjhhArticle for West Suffolk Mercury

Friday, 21 March, 2003

Our part of East Anglia always figures prominently in time of war. From the Second World War to the last Gulf War to Afghanistan, our Armed Services at Suffolk military bases prove their importance to the life of this country.

gjhfgjhhArticle for West Suffolk Mercury

Thursday, 1 May, 2003

Here in Suffolk we don't have the same crime problems as Moss Side, Hackney or central Birmingham. But surprising new statistics that I have unearthed show a big rise in violent crime in our county. We do live in a lovely county but that must not make us complacent.

More bobbies on the beat is a frequent demand in my postbag. Such community policing must be at the heart of Suffolk Constabulary's work.

gjhfgjhhNational Carers Week- Ruffley Highlights Importance of Elsey's Yard

Tuesday, 3 June, 2003

David Ruffley today called for carers to be given better support at the workplace and by St Edmundsbury Borough Council. Speaking in advance of Carers Week (June 9-15) David said carers in the Bury St Edmunds constituency deserve better support. He welcomes and supports the proposed Age Concern day-care centre at the renovated Elsey's Yard historic building in Bury St Edmunds.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Supports Fireworks Bill In House Of Commons

Wednesday, 11 June, 2003

David Ruffley will be in the House of Commons on Friday, 13 June to support the Fireworks Bill. This is a Private Member's Bill introduced by Bill Tynan which will enable the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to make Regulations covering a wide range of firework matters which the Government is presently unable to regulate under the current Consumer Protection Act 1987. These include restricting firework sales and use, licensing of retailers and controlling noise and nuisance.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Christens Dial-A-Ride Minibus With Local Users

Wednesday, 11 June, 2003

David Ruffley participated in national Volunteers' Week on Saturday, 7 June to celebrate and support the work of volunteers in his Bury St Edmunds constituency.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Pushes For More Support For Bury St Edmunds Heritage: New Athenaeum Bid

Wednesday, 2 July, 2003

David Ruffley is supporting the bid by St Edmunsbury Borough Council for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to refurbish the Athenaeum in the town.

A copy of David's letter is follows.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Joined by Campaigners for Successful International Trade Justice Rally

Tuesday, 8 July, 2003

David Ruffley called a meeting on Saturday, 28 June in Bury St Edmunds as part of the '24 hours for Trade Justice' campaign. It was held at St John's Church, St John's Street from 11.00-12.00 noon. David invited everyone interested in Trade Justice to attend. It was organised in conjunction with the national campaign being run by CAFOD and Christian Aid.

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