David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

Hot Local Issues

Local health crisis

David gives his opinion on the crisis faced by our local health services

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Protect our local Post Offices

David speaks out in the House of Commons to save our local Post Offices

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Save the West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Department

David Ruffley has launched an online petition to save the A & E Deparment at the West Suffolk Hospital. click here to sign the petition

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Police Merger Abandoned

The proposed merger of police forces in the east has been abandoned

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Supporting Rural Communities

David's article for the Mercury newspaper outlinning his support for local farmers

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University Campus Suffolk

David welcomes the upcoming opening of Suffolk University

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The A14 and a greener environment

David welcomes the opening of the new Rookery Crossroads and sets out his views on greener transport

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Supporting Suffolk schools

David outlines his vision for schools in Suffolk

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Council Tax

David outlines his opposition to council tax increases

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Tackling Crime

David outlines his view of crime and the fear of crime in our communites

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Cattle Market Development

David Ruffley discusses the plans for the Cattle Market development

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