David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

The State of the Union

It's pretty depressing to see that the current President of the United States has poll ratings on a par with Richard Nixon the week before he was kicked out of the White House in disgrace. It says an awful lot about the popularity of the Iraq war in America. After a thumping in the congressional elections in the autumn and with only a couple of years left in office George Bush looks a lame duck.

Having a weakened President is not good for world peace that’s why everyone’s mind is looking to the Presidential election and the intriguing prospect of the first black Democrat President, Barack Obama, or the first female Democrat President, Hillary Clinton. Both of these candidates are seen by American friends of mine as having a great chance of winning the Presidency. We all know coalition forces are under the cosh in Iraq. We know Palestine is still as big a headache as ever but what exactly would a new President of the United States do?

It seems George Bush is holed below the water-line and on his way out. I wonder what the new solutions and approaches will be from his successor.

Posted in The USA on 24 January 2007 by David Ruffley



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