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Anger as grant cuts hit disability service
Bury Free Press, 1 March 2006
A service for people with learning and physical disabilities faces an uncertain future because funding has been withdrawn by a cash- strapped council.
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Wood N Stuff, on Station Hill, Bury St Edmunds, helps up to 40 people a day regain their confidence and learn skills through woodwork and computer sessions.
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The co-operative lost one member of staff and cash has been axed for funding members' sessions after Suffolk County Council, which has a £24 mllion budget shortfall, reduced its grant.
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John Morley, general manager, said: "The worst case scenario is our services will shrink big time.
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"We are like a big family here and it was heart-breaking to let someone go and tell people they can't come here as often as they like.
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"It is rewarding to see people regain their self-esteem and take joy from making things and it is sad members will lose something positive in their lives."
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The council gives £43 a day for each member going to the workshop, which sells the goods made there.
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As well as people with learning and physical problems, work experience pupils and the probation service use the centre.
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RAF veteran Cyril Salisbury, 87, of Thurston, was shocked to find out he may lose one of his days at Wood N Stuff.
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Mr Salisbury, who flew bombers in World War Two, said: "If you sit at home looking at four walls all day you end up depressed. I have lived my life but I am very worried for all the youngsters here who may lose out.
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"They are a wonderful bunch of people here and it has helped improve my alertness."
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Steve Lummis, 49, of Stanton has lost a day. He said: "The people who made this stupid decision must come from another planet."
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David Ruffley, MP for Bury, has demanded answers from council bosses about the cut in Wood N Stuff's funding.
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A council spokeswoman said: "We constantly review the care we provide. All those currently using Wood N Stuff will continue to do so.
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"In some cases, the number of visits will reduce. Any changes will be agreed with the individual receiving care before changes are made."
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