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Buses fares hike shocks passengers
Bury Free Press, 15 February 2005
Buses in Bury St Edmunds are worse than ever and costing more, say passengers – just a week after bus chiefs said services would improve.
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This week, bus users were told some ticket prices had gone up by nearly 25 per cent and, according to one count by a town councillor, at least 130 buses had been late since last October.
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First Eastern Counties said it had reduced the daily ticket price but politicians working to improve the buses said it was 'giving with one hand and taking with the other'.
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Lorna Allen, who catches the 81 bus to work in Bury, said: "The bus didn't turn up and people had to wait 30 minutes in the cold to catch the next service.
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"What is really annoying is this keeps happening and you never know when the next bus will come along or why your bus is late."
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Another passenger, Sharon Bradley, said she had been shocked to find fares had gone up.
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"We got on the bus and were told the 10-journey fare had gone from £6 to £7.50.
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"Many people didn't have enough money so had to buy a day ticket – there was no advertising on the buses or the bus stop to warn us of the rise."
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Bury town councillor Alan Turner, who has fought hard to improve bus services around the town's estates, said: "In a way, I am not surprised.
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"The bus company has said they will improve things but I think I will believe it when I see it."
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He added he kept detailed information on which buses were late or had not turned up at all.
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"The numbers are really amazing – it's ridiculous really and things need to improve."
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He says more than 130 buses have been late since October last year and several buses have not turned up at all – excuses given to Mr Turner range from broken down buses to driver illness.
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The news comes one week after a meeting between Cllr Turner, MP David Ruffley and First bosses ended with a four-year agreement being signed to improve services.
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Mr Ruffley said: "I am shocked to here some fares have gone up. The company said they would reduce the daily fare to attract more users.
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"However, if they have raised other prices and are effectively giving with one hand and taking away with another, that is not acceptable."
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Labour's Dave Monaghan held talks about Bury's problems with Transport Secretary Alastair Darling on Wednesday.
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Mr Monaghan said: "I'm glad the Transport Secretary took the time to hear the plight of Bury bus passengers and agreed enough was enough."
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Tom Oxley, spokesperson for First, confirmed some prices had gone up but added a day ticket in Bury has gone down from £2.60 to £2.
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He added flyers telling people of the rise had been distributed and the rises were due to increasing international oil prices.
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Cliff Hussey, operations manager for First, said: "We have been keeping a close eye on reliability at Bury St Edmunds. With regards to services most recently, there have not been major problems but there have been some – we know this impacts on passengers and we apologise for that."
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