gjhfgjhhAction on Health: Ruffley asks questions about national watchdog's figures for 'unnecessary deaths'

Thursday, 3 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today written to Chris Bown, Chief Executive of West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust, asking that the Trust provide data on the number of deaths that have occurred as a result of patient safety incidents and details of how they plan to reduce the rate of patient safety incidents in the future.

gjhfgjhhRuffley calls for action on flu from Suffolk West PCT

Wednesday, 9 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today written to Mike Stonard, Chief Executive at Suffolk West PCT, asking that the PCT take action to address its performance in ensuring as many elderly residents as possible have received flu vaccinations.

The Healthcare Commission 2004 performance ratings reveal that Suffolk West PCT was the least effective of all PCTs in Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire at vaccinating the over 65 population against flu.

gjhfgjhhListening to Suffolk: Ruffley supports PCT discussion groups

Wednesday, 9 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today encouraged local residents to attend a series of discussion groups organised by Suffolk West PCT as part of the 'Modernising Healthcare Services in West Suffolk Consultation'.

The discussion groups will be held across West Suffolk over the next two and a half weeks. They will be minuted and fed into the PCT's consultation which will enable the PCT's Board to make a decision on the proposals in January.

David said:

'I welcome the news that Suffolk West PCT are holding these discussion groups and encourage my constituents to attend.

gjhfgjhhRuffley writes to Prime Minister on behalf of Suffolk Pig Farmers

Monday, 14 November, 2005

Chinese import restrictions have prevented Britain exporting pigs and pig products to the country since 2000. Following Defra's completion of detailed technical questionnaires about the UK's animal health status, the Chinese authorities have recognised the UK's freedom from classical swine fever in July 2005. This will alow the export of live breeding pigs to China after a gap of five years.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley's latest House of Commons question reveals disappointing Suffolk student grant figures

Tuesday, 15 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today expressed his concern at the shocking level of mismanagement he has exposed within Suffolk Local Education Authority (LEA). At the start of the 2005 academic year 32 percent of students who had applied for student loans or grants had not even had their application processed by Suffolk LEA.

In 2004 the figure was even worse with 41 percent of students left waiting for funding vital to their continued study at the start of the academic year.

gjhfgjhhStanding up for Suffolk: Ruffley demands answers on Suffolk Constabulary's cash reserves

Tuesday, 15 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today written to Alastair McWhirter, Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary, asking what will happen to the £10.7 million of Suffolk tax payer's money held in reserves by Suffolk Police Authority when the region's police forces are merged.

The money held in reserve is seen as providing contingency cover against a variety of unforeseen circumstances such as major incidents or emergencies.

gjhfgjhhRuffley in House of Commons meeting on Suffolk policing: 'The people of Suffolk do not want to be thrown in with forces that are completely different in nature and face vastly different problems'

Wednesday, 16 November, 2005

David Ruffley MP will be attending a top level meeting at Portcullis House, Westminster on Thursday 17 November to discuss the proposed restructuring of police forces in the East of England.

Suffolk Police Authority suggested four restructuring options in October 2005:

 Creating a regional 'super force' by merging all six East Anglian forces (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk).

 Amalgamating Suffolk Constabulary with Norfolk and Cambridgeshire Constabularies.

gjhfgjhhAction on health: Ruffley to meet with Suffolk West PCT and talk about Thurston GP Crisis

Wednesday, 26 October, 2005

David Ruffley MP will be holding two meetings with Suffolk West PCT Chief Executive, Mike Stonard and Director of Service, Transformation and Development, Mark Crawley on Friday 28 October.

The first meeting is to discuss the prospect of a doctors' surgery for the village of Thurston at which Mid Suffolk District Councillor Derrick Haley and County Councillor Sue Sida-Locket will also be in attendance.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley attacks OFT over threat to independent and rural newsagents

Thursday, 27 October, 2005

David Ruffley MP has spoken out today in support of independent and rural newsagents across Suffolk and attacked Office of Fair Trading (OFT) recommendations that could pose a threat to their viability.

In a report to the OFT Professor Paul Dobson has suggested that nationally as many as 8000 newsagents could 'exit the market', with Suffolk newsagents in the firing line. Opponents of the proposals include the National Federation of Retail Newsagents.

Proposals from the OFT will alter arrangements for the distribution of magazines.

gjhfgjhhRuffley sends petition to Mental Health Trust: "Save our Violet Hill Day Hospital for Mental Health Patients over 65"

Friday, 28 October, 2005

David Ruffley has been sent a petition with over 200 signatures from local residents in the Stowmarket area who are campaigning to keep the Violet Hill Day Hospital open.

Cuts in Suffolk mental health budgets have threatened it with closure.

David has forwarded the petition to Mark Halladay, Chief Executive of the Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.

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