gjhfgjhhRuffley's new online survey highlights demand for Local Suffolk police force; he highlights inadequate consultation on restructuring our region's policing and signs House of Commons Early Day Motion

Friday, 27 January, 2006

'This ludicrously short consultation period is irresponsible and jeopardises the excellent level of policing we currently enjoy in Suffolk'

David Ruffley MP has today expressed his deep concern with the consultation period on the restructuring of police forces.

David Ruffley has signed Early Day Motion 1393 which 'recognises that the potential changes in structures are the most significant for over 30 years; (and) believes that it is essential that there is proper consultation with police authorities and all interested parties and with the public.'

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley challenges the Home Secretary on the costs of the proposed police merger

Tuesday, 31 January, 2006

'I have now written to the Home Secretary to ask him if the £60 million cost of a police merger is the best use of taxpayers' money. I think the people of Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket would rather see more police on our local streets.'

David Ruffley MP has today written to the Home Secretary to ask for his response to claims by the Suffolk Police Authority that the proposed merger of police forces in the east of England could cost up to £60 million.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley highlights environmental concerns in House of Commons

Tuesday, 31 January, 2006

David Ruffley MP has added his name to Early Day Motion 989, which seeks to maintain high environmental standards in international trade.

David said:

'I have consistently campaigned for fairer global trade and believe that is the best way to help developed countries and alleviate the shocking level of poverty in the Third World. However, it is also vital that we maintain certain levels of environmental standards.

gjhfgjhhRuffley warns 'local residents could face £2,500 fines under ID Card plans

Tuesday, 31 January, 2006

David Ruffley MP this week voiced his concern at reports that local residents in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket could face four-figure fines for not registering or keeping their details up to date with the proposed new ID Card Agency. It has been revealed that St Edmundsbury and Mid Suffolk Councils may be asked to police the administration of Labour's controversial new ID Card Database, and may charge a fee for anyone wanting to change their address. The Government has said that the ID cards are expected to become compulsory.

David said:

gjhfgjhhDavid Cameron promotes David Ruffley to Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform

Tuesday, 13 December, 2005

Last night David Cameron, new leader of the Conservative Party, promoted David Ruffley to become the Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform in the Shadow Team for Work and Pensions.

On his appointment David Ruffley said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley joins All-Party Group and signs House Of Commons Motion in support of Stroke Victims

Monday, 16 January, 2006

David Ruffley MP has joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Stroke in the House of Commons.

The aims of the Group are to raise awareness of stroke and to encourage actions to promote a greater priority for stroke prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, research and care both nationally and locally.

gjhfgjhhSuffolk alcohol-related crime on the rise: Ruffley condemns new legislation as John Prescott moves to cover up drink crime figures

Thursday, 24 November, 2005

'This is a cowardly move from Mr Prescott to hide the impact of his new drinking laws'

David Ruffley MP has today condemned the Government's new licensing laws that came into force at midnight. New House of Commons figures show that the 'number of violent offences committed in connection with licensed premises' has gone up steadily in Suffolk over the last three years.

gjhfgjhhRuffley now demands NHS answers: 'Will obese patients be denied knee and hip operations at West Suffolk Hospital?'

Monday, 28 November, 2005

David Ruffley has today written to the Chief Executives of both the Suffolk West PCT and the West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust following the admission by Primary Care Trusts in East Suffolk that they have banned obese patients from receiving hip and knee replacements.

David said:

'I am shocked to hear what is taking place in East Suffolk. There it has been admitted the decision has been taken because of the 'pressing financial problems of the NHS in East Suffolk'.

gjhfgjhhRuffley concerned by new A14 accidents and calls for vigilance over Christmas and the winter months

Thursday, 24 November, 2005

'These new figures show an alarming increase in accidents on our county's main road.'

David Ruffley MP has today written to the Department for Transport and the Highways Agency highlighting the worrying increase in the rate of personal injury accidents on the A14.

gjhfgjhhRuffley: "Let us honour all of our Bury St Edmunds War Dead on the Angel Hill War Memorial"

Monday, 28 November, 2005

Ruffley supports Royal British Legion and Bury St Edmunds Town Council in initiative to honour all town's War Dead in one location

David Ruffley MP has offered his wholehearted support to the initiative by the Royal British Legion and Bury St Edmunds Town Council to have all of Bury St Edmunds's war dead honoured in one location.

The text of David's letter to Bury St Edmunds Town Council is below. He has also copied his letter to the Royal British Legion in the town.

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