gjhfgjhhRuffley Calls for Onehouse Village Cash

Wednesday, 23 June, 2004

David Ruffley is supporting Onehouse Parish Council in their bid for funding from the Countryside Agency to produce a Parish Plan which will set out a vision for the future of the village.

gjhfgjhhNew St Olaves Post Office Petition: Ruffley Demands that Bosses Keep It

Monday, 17 May, 2004

David Ruffley is seeking confirmation from the leader of the Post Office National Consultation Team that St Olaves Post Office in Bury St Edmunds will remain open. This follows concern expressed to him by his constituents in the St Olaves area of the town.

Local residents collected nearly 200 signatures on a petition protesting against the continued cutting back of Post Office services which could lead to more post office closures. They are worried that Mr Neil Clarke, the sub-postmaster at St Olaves may be forced to close if his business becomes unviable.

gjhfgjhhRuffley on Ipswich Tunnel Closure Shambles: "Let's Have Joined Up Thinking from Greater Anglia Rail Franchise"

Tuesday, 18 May, 2004

Rail commuters living in Bury St Edmunds, Thurston and Elmswell who travel daily to Liverpool Street station have been told that they cannot use their tickets to travel via Cambridge while the Ipswich Tunnel is closed for engineering works from mid July.

A resident of Bury St Edmunds who has commuted to London for twenty years on Anglia Railways alerted David Ruffley to the inflexible attitude of the Greater Anglia Rail Franchise which goes by the name of 'ONE' to indicate that there is now only one operator for London's Liverpool Street station.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Wins Victory for Suffolk Commuters

Wednesday, 19 May, 2004

As a result of his campaigning and lobbying of ONE (Greater Anglia Rail Franchise), David Ruffley has received the following statement from Peter Meades, PR manager at ONE:

'We will arrange for tickets to be valid for travel to/from London Liverpool Street on services via Cambridge during the tunnel closure period.'

gjhfgjhhRuffley Officially Opens Early Years Garden at Bacton Community Primary School

Friday, 28 May, 2004

David Ruffley will officially open the new Early Years Garden at Bacton Primary School on Friday, 28 May at 1.30 p.m. at the invitation of Mrs Caroline Coles, Headteacher.

The School was disappointed that their application to the National Lottery was unsuccessful so they turned to David Ruffley for help. David successfully lobbied the two Suffolk County Councillors who represent the School's catchment area, Sue Sida-Lockett and Jeremy Clover. They were each able to provide £500 for the garden from their locality budget.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Rage at Rougham Rookery Rethink: "Without these Safety Measures People will Die"

Wednesday, 7 April, 2004

Releasing a copy of an angry letter to the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, David Ruffley said:

'I am absolutely furious at this decision to put this vital safety scheme on hold and maybe dumping it altogether. Only a small number of projects- around ten- have been put on a Government hit list for cancellation and I want to know why.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Presents Prestigious Award to Stowmarket High School Student

Thursday, 1 April, 2004

David Ruffley will be visiting Stowmarket High School on Friday, 2 April to present sixth former, Gareth Snell, with the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award. This prestigious award recognises Gareth's outstanding achievement in making a 'real difference to his community and his school'.

As well as presenting the award David will also be speaking to members of the Sixth Form following on from their recent visit to the House of Commons.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Signs Autism Manifesto

Wednesday, 14 April, 2004

David Ruffley has signed the Autism Manifesto launched by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism in the House of Commons and is campaigning for an overhaul of the way people with autism and their families are treated in the Suffolk area.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Attends St George's Day Service and Salutes Scouts and Guides

Thursday, 22 April, 2004

David Ruffley will be joining the Bury St Edmunds District Scouts at their St George's Day Service and Parade on Sunday, 25 April. The service will be at St Mary's Church at 3.00 p.m. Participants include the whole Scout District together with local Guides and Brownies. In all, 650 young people will be taking part.

Following the service, David Ruffley will take the Salute on Angel Hill. He will be joined in the party taking the Salute by the Mayor and Scout and Guide Commissioners.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Signs Conservatives' Petition to Save Vitamins & Food Supplements

Thursday, 22 April, 2004

Vitamin and mineral tablets used by local residents across Suffolk are under threat.

David Ruffley MP today signed the Conservative Party's online petition and also called on Suffolk residents to sign the petition to save the vitamins and mineral tablets used by millions of British people.

David has, in addition, signed Early Day Motion 892 in the House of Commons entitled: Implementation of the Food Supplements Directive which supports the campaign. The full text of the EDM is attached.

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