gjhfgjhhRuffley slams Government and Regional attack on rural motorists

Wednesday, 9 June, 2004

Local motorists face new tax threat- not just from higher fuel duties

At a time of soaring fuel prices, David Ruffley MP warned this week of a new assault on local motorists, via Government plans to roll out congestion taxes, toll taxes and workplace parking taxes across the country. Labour's regional government attacks on motorists are compounding the central Labour Government's already high taxes.

gjhfgjhhRuffley attacks Home Office for failing Needham Market Neighbourhood Watch

Wednesday, 9 June, 2004

A Home Office U-turn spells disaster for the local Needham Market branch of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, which would be a real blow for crime fighting in the area.

As the Chairman of the National Neighbourhood Watch Association explains in the attached letter they have been badly let down by the Home Office who have announced that it will not support it during the next fiscal year which was always known to be a condition for their continued survival.

Mr Ruffley said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley takes Needham Market Neighbourhood Watch issue to the House Of Commons

Wednesday, 16 June, 2004

Having already written to the Home Secretary to express his anger, David Ruffley MP has now signed EDM 1335 highlighting the threat to the future of the National Neighbourhood Watch Association. A Home Office U-turn spells disaster for the local Needham Market branch of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, which would be a real blow for crime fighting in the area.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Gets New Assurance That St Olaves Post Office Will Stay Open

Thursday, 17 June, 2004

David Ruffley today released a letter that he has received from the Post Office. David Ruffley said: 'The Post Office claim 'there are no proposals to close this branch….any rumours you may have heard are completely unsubstantiated'.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Intervenes on Stowmarket Car Park Charge Crisis

Thursday, 17 June, 2004

David Ruffley today released a letter he received from the Chief Executive of Mid Suffolk District Council regarding car parking charges in Stowmarket.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Fights to Keep Green Fields Green in Needham Market: Ruffley Receives Massive Needham Market Residents' Petition

Monday, 14 June, 2004

David Ruffley today released a copy of his letter to Andrew Good, Chief Executive of Mid Suffolk District Council, enclosing a petition he has received from local residents, led by Brian Crascall, opposing housing development on land adjoining Platten Close in Needham Market.

David said: 'There are over 150 signatures on this petition from Needham Market residents opposing development on this greenfield site. They have my support. Green fields near residents' homes should be given reasonable protection. I am holding the Council to account as much as I can.'

gjhfgjhhRuffley Campaigns to Save Stowmarket Water Meadows

Wednesday, 30 June, 2004

David Ruffley attended a site meeting at the water meadows between Cardinalls Road and Newton Road, Stowmarket last Saturday, 26 June. A large group of local residents turned out to present a petition of over 200 local names and bags of letters to Mid Suffolk District Council opposing development on this site.

David is sending the petition and letters to David Ellis, Head of Planning at Mid Suffolk District Council.

gjhfgjhhRuffley extracts Government promise for air passengers

Wednesday, 30 June, 2004

Mr Ruffley has finally received a promise from the Government that changes will be made to the requirements on aircrafts to carry on board more extensive Emergency Medical Kits.

After much harassing of the Transport Minister, Mr Tony McNulty, David Ruffley has now received a firm assurance that plans are being put in place to require all commercial aircraft to carry additional medical equipment.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Welcomes Implementation of Traffic Calming Measures in Honey Hill, Sparhawk Street and Southgate Street

Tuesday, 22 June, 2004

Residents in the Honey Hill, Sparhawk Street and Southgate Street area of Bury St Edmunds have at last won their battle for traffic-calming measures. Work has recently started to narrow junctions and widen pavements, in an effort to slow down speeding cars and lorries.

Local MP David Ruffley, who received a petition from residents over two years ago, has long supported residents' calls for these measures.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Supports Alzheimer's Awareness Week

Wednesday, 30 June, 2004

David Ruffley MP, Patron of the West Suffolk Branch of the Alzheimer's Society, expressed support for people with dementia and their carers in Bury St Edmunds, in the run up to Alzheimer's Awareness Week.

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