gjhfgjhhRuffley Calls Urgent Meeting in Last Ditch Attempt to Save Sicklesmere Post Office

Monday, 6 January, 2003

As a result of David Ruffley's personal intervention with the Chief Executive of the Post Office a meeting is being held on Friday, 10 January at 3.00 p.m. at Sicklesmere Post Office with Lin Norbury, Head of Area- Community Network East to discuss the future of the village sub-post office. Mr Laurie Marshall, Chairman of Great and Little Whelnetham Parish Council has also been invited to attend.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Reveals Shocking New Rising Crime Figures in St Edmundsbury and Mid Suffolk District Council Areas

Wednesday, 15 January, 2003

Government gimmicks and burglary guidelines are failing Bury St Edmunds says Ruffley

Crime is soaring according to new government figures. David Ruffley MP today pointed to Home Office statistics showing that the number of robberies in Mid Suffolk rose by 180% in 2001-2.

David Ruffley MP said this was evidence that the Government's knee jerk reactions, gimmicks and initiatives were not working, and expressed concern that new plans to not jail burglars could increase crime further. He said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley Warns of Risk of Future Teacher Shortage in Suffolk Following New Independent Report

Wednesday, 15 January, 2003

MP calls for schools to be freed from inept Whitehall interference

David Ruffley MP warned that 1981 teachers could leave Suffolk's schools over the next five years. A survey conducted by MORI and the General Teaching Council has found that one in three of all teachers expect to leave teaching within five years, protesting about workload, government interference and poor pupil behaviour.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley in Meeting with Local GPs

Wednesday, 15 January, 2003

David Ruffley MP will be meeting Dr Watson and his partners at the Needham Market Country Practice on Friday, 17 January at 3.30 p.m.

David keeps in regular contact with members of the medical profession in his constituency as well as the Health Trusts who perform the administrative role in Suffolk.

Subjects for discussion will include GP patients lists and the role of GPs within the new health structure in the south Stowmarket area.

gjhfgjhhRuffley in Planning Row Site Visit

Tuesday, 17 June, 2003

David Ruffley has received a large number of representations from residents in the Cedars Park area of Stowmarket and beyond against the planning application submitted by Stowmarket Multi Modal Distribution Park and GB Railfreight Ltd for a major rail freight depot on land adjoining the A1120 at Stowmarket. The site is across the road from Tesco's.

gjhfgjhhRuffley: 'Join Me in Campaign for International Trade Justice on 28 June in Bury St Edmunds

Tuesday, 17 June, 2003

David Ruffley has called a meeting in Bury St Edmunds as part of the '24 hours for Trade Justice' campaign. It will be held at St John's Church, St John's Street on Saturday, 28 June from 11.00-12.00 noon. Everyone interested in Trade Justice is welcome to attend. It has been organised in conjunction with the national campaign being run by CAFOD and Christian Aid.

gjhfgjhhRuffley: 'Suffolk Must Say No to Government's High Tax, High Maintenance Regional Politicians'

Tuesday, 11 November, 2003

David Ruffley MP today launched a strong attack on plans for a new tier of regional politicians across England. The Government has announced a costly 'information campaign' across the North West, North East and Yorkshire & Humberside to sell the case for creating elected regional assemblies. Other regions may follow, depending on the results of regional referendums in those regions in autumn 2004.

gjhfgjhhRuffley Campaigns for CCTV in Moreton Hall

Thursday, 13 November, 2003

Following serious incidents of anti-social behaviour in the Moreton Hall area on the night of Tuesday, 11 November, David Ruffley is campaigning for CCTV cameras in Moreton Hall.

David said: 'My constituents in Moreton Hall are becoming increasingly concerned by the anti-social behaviour of rival gangs in the area. Last night's incident caused panic among local residents who were at the scene. Although the police arrived within minutes action must be taken to deter the perpetrators.

gjhfgjhhOnehouse Housing Proposal: Ruffley Steps in to Demand Residents' Voices Are Heard

Tuesday, 18 November, 2003

When residents of Onehouse were fearful that their views on the proposed housing development by George Wimpey UK would not be heard, MP David Ruffley stepped in to call a public meeting. This will be held on Friday, 21 November at 7.00 p.m. in Onehouse Community Centre.

If the proposed development goes ahead, Onehouse will effectively become part of Stowmarket.

gjhfgjhhGovernment Introduces New taxes on Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket School pupils and students

Monday, 1 December, 2003

David Ruffley MP today condemned Government plans announced in the Queen's Speech to introduce new charges on local residents. The Government is introducing a Higher Education Bill to impose university fees of up to £3,000 a year and a School Transport Bill to allow councils to charge all but the poorest families for school buses.

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