gjhfgjhhRuffley to welcome RAF Honington servicemen and women home from Afghanistan

Tuesday, 3 March, 2009

David Ruffley MP will be attending the homecoming parade by servicemen and women from RAF Honington, who have returned from Afghanistan, on Saturday 7 March in Bury St Edmunds.

David said:

'I look forward to welcoming home from Afghanistan servicemen and women from RAF Honington.

'These brave men and women from RAF Honington have fought to make the world a safer place for all of us, there is no praise high enough for the service they give and the sacrifices they make.

gjhfgjhhThe Sun, page 2: Labour's Louts

Tuesday, 17 March, 2009

LABOUR was accused of breeding a generation of yobs yesterday after teenage convictions for violence, vandalism, robbery and joyriding almost doubled in a decade.

Violent attacks by under-18s soared by a third from 5,886 in 1998 to 7,689 in 2007, according to Ministry of Justice statistics.

Motoring offences by kids more than trebled over the same period — from 10,760 to 36,712.

Drug offences almost trebled to 5,263. Violent crime by girls under 18 soared from 6,000 offences in 2001 to almost 23,000 last year.

Tories unearthed the figures.

gjhfgjhhDaily Mail: The child crimewave; how robberies, sex attacks and drug offences have soared

Tuesday, 17 March, 2009

ROBBERY, drug offences and sex attacks by children have rocketed since Labour came to power, alarming figures reveal today.

An analysis of the types of crime being committed by ten to 17-year-olds show rises of up to 140 per cent in some categories since 1997.

Tory police spokesman David Ruffley, who uncovered the research, said it was yet more depressing evidence that the Government had presided over a 'decade of yobbery'.

gjhfgjhhThe Sunday Times, Knife victim wanted to be a detective

Sunday, 13 July, 2008

David Leppard and Abul Taher on the dreams of one of the six killed in Britain's worst day of knifings

A "MODEL" student killed in a knife attack in London dreamt of becoming a police detective, his grieving family said yesterday.

Yusufu Miiro, a criminology student at Middlesex University, was one of six people murdered in knife attacks on Thursday.

It was the bloodiest day so far in the spate of knife crimes that has swept across Britain and is causing deep unease in Downing Street. Senior Scotland Yard detectives are baffled by the number of attacks.

gjhfgjhhThe Daily Telegraph, Murders 'on rise' amid knife violence

Saturday, 12 July, 2008

Murders 'on rise' amid knife violence

THE number of murders has risen in England and Wales in the past year, crime figures are expected to show next week.

Amid growing concerns over knife and gun crime - there were six fatal stabbings in one day this week - some forces have reported that killings have doubled.

On Thursday, there were four stabbings in London, one in West Bromwich in the West Midlands and a sixth in Tarleton, Lancs. Yesterday, a 17-year-old was shot dead in Sheffield.

gjhfgjhhThe Daily Express: 700 wrongly labelled as criminals

Saturday, 5 July, 2008

Hundreds of innocent Britons have been branded criminals by a government agency checking for paedophiles.

Almost 700 people were falsely accused of wrongdoing last year by the Criminal Records Bureau.

The CRB vets applicants for jobs in teaching, nursing, childminding and volunteer work.

But many of the falsely accused workers will now have to go through an appeals process to clear their names and will face the nightmare of being socially stigmatised.

gjhfgjhhThe Daily Telegraph: Hundreds wrongly branded criminals by CRB checks

Saturday, 5 July, 2008

Hundreds of innocent people have been branded as criminals by the government agency set up to vet people working with children, it became clear last night.

People applying to take up jobs as teachers, nurses, childminders and even those volunteering to work with youth groups are likely to have been among those falsely accused of wrongdoing by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).

They face career problems or being stigmatised by their communities. They must also go through an appeals process to clear their names.

gjhfgjhhThe Sunday Telegraph, Inquiry into TV shows funded by ministers

Sunday, 3 August, 2008

MINISTERS WERE at the centre of a row last night over the use of taxpayers' money to fund television documentaries.

The Government has spent almost pounds 2 million to fund programmes that are all but indistinguishable from regular shows, The Sunday Telegraph has established.

But unlike normal documentaries, the programmes are commissioned by ministers with the purpose of showing their policies or activities in a sympathetic light.

gjhfgjhhThe Sun: In custardy

Monday, 28 July, 2008

Fury at Pounds 12 grub for police cell lags

PRISONERS kept in police cells to ease jail overcrowding get six times more spent on their meals, it emerged yesterday.

Cops are given Pounds 12 a day to feed each inmate they lock up - but jail meals cost Pounds 2.

And lags in police cells are often allowed to choose from local TAKEAWAYS.

Justice Secretary Jack Straw admitted even more could be spent in exceptional circumstances.

Prisoners were held in police cells 61,000 times last year - meaning their food cost taxpayers at least Pounds 610,000 extra.

gjhfgjhhThe Daily Express, 700,000 cost of takeaways for prisoners in police cells

Monday, 28 July, 2008

POLICE fork out more per head on takeaway meals for prisoners than the combined sum spent on food for NHS patients and frontline soldiers.

The Ministry of Justice has admitted more than £700,000-ayear is spent on feeding inmates held in police stations because of the lack of places in prisons.

Some £12-a-day is lavished on each convict in police cells, six times as much as the amount spent in jails.

Much of the £12-a-day is known to go on burgers, fried chicken and chips from

fast-food chains.

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