gjhfgjhhThe Sun: In custardy

Monday, 28 July, 2008

Fury at Pounds 12 grub for police cell lags

PRISONERS kept in police cells to ease jail overcrowding get six times more spent on their meals, it emerged yesterday.

Cops are given Pounds 12 a day to feed each inmate they lock up - but jail meals cost Pounds 2.

And lags in police cells are often allowed to choose from local TAKEAWAYS.

Justice Secretary Jack Straw admitted even more could be spent in exceptional circumstances.

Prisoners were held in police cells 61,000 times last year - meaning their food cost taxpayers at least Pounds 610,000 extra.

gjhfgjhhRuffley to meet with Eastgate residents over A14 noise reduction campaign

Monday, 14 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP will meet representatives of the Eastgate Ward Community Association on Friday 18 July to plan the next moves in the campaign for noise reduction measures along the Eastgate ward stretch of the A14.

Local councillors, Patricia Warby, Stefan Oliver and Frank Warby have been invited to attend.

Some of the worst noise pollution is suffered by residents of Barwell Road which faces the A14.

gjhfgjhh2020 Vision: Bury's heritage over the next decade

Monday, 14 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP is meeting representatives of the Bury St Edmunds Society on Friday 18 July at 4.30pm to discuss heritage issues in the town.

Friday's meeting is a prelude to a debate which David will be launching over the coming months about how people in Bury see its heritage developing over the next decade.

gjhfgjhhRuffley holds meeting with local Church leaders

Monday, 14 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP is meeting local church leaders on Friday 18 July at 3.00pm at Garland Street Baptist Church, Bury St Edmunds, at the invitation of the Reverend Robert Green. The meeting is open to all denominations.

David keeps in regular contact with church leaders and their congregations throughout his constituency through meetings, correspondence and attending church services.

gjhfgjhhRuffley launches summer of consultation

Tuesday, 15 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP has this week launched three new surveys online at www.tellDavidRuffley.com to investigate the concerns of residents in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Needham Market and the villages in his constituency.

Later this summer David will release the results of the surveys which should reveal the issues that local people believe to be the most important in their part of the constituency.

gjhfgjhhRuffley raises concerns about future of Bury's heritage buildings

Wednesday, 23 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP met Chairman of the Bury St Edmunds Society, Sarah Green, and committee members of the Society on Friday 18 July to discuss heritage issues in the town.

Friday's meeting was a prelude to a debate which David will be launching over the coming months about how people in Bury see its heritage developing over the next decade- '2020 vision'.

David said: 'The Bury Society is a well respected group in the town and I am always willing to listen to their concerns.

gjhfgjhhRuffley supports Bury's Stray Cat Fund and calls for responsible neutering

Thursday, 24 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP has this week praised the hard work of volunteers at Bury's Stray Cat Fund and highlighted the importance of getting domestic cats neutered.

At this time of year 'kitten season' sees animal sanctuaries, such as Bury's Stray Cat Fund, full to capacity.

As with animal homes across the country, Bury's Stray Cat Fund finds it hard to find homes for cats at this time of year due to the combination of an influx of new animals and many families being away on their annual holiday.

gjhfgjhhRuffley calls on St Edmundsbury Borough Council to support licensing crack down

Sunday, 6 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP has today called on St Edmundsbury Borough Council's Licensing Committee to give its backing to a special licensing policy for the historic core of Bury St Edmunds.

gjhfgjhhRuffley continues successful village tours

Monday, 14 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP is continuing his successful series of village tours- his innovative way of keeping in touch with his constituents and making himself accessible to local residents in the rural areas of his constituency.

Following the success of his recent village tour in Pakenham, Troston and Great Livermere, David will be out and about in Redgrave, Botesdale, Rickinghall and Hinderclay on Saturday 19 July from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

David will be accompanied by District Councillor Sara Michell and County Councillor Charles Michell.

gjhfgjhhRuffley is guest speaker at Needham Market Society

Monday, 14 July, 2008

David Ruffley MP will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Needham Market Society on Friday 18 July at 7.30pm. The meeting takes place in the Burton Room, Needham Market Community Centre.

Press and photographers are invited to attend.

Issues the Society wish to raise with David include the NATS proposals for air traffic, local government boundary changes, the threat to the future of Needham Market railway station from Snoasis and the risk of flooding from the proposed multi modal distribution park at Creeting.

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