A POLICE station has closed every week since Labour came to power in 1997, Government figures reveal.
Police officers spend more time filling in forms than they do patrolling the streets, new figures show.
Police officers are spending more time filling in forms and less patrolling the streets - despite Government promises to stop them being hampered by red tape.
POLICE officers spend more time filling in forms than they do patrolling the streets, new figures show.
David Ruffley MP has today released details of his House of Commons questioning of Jim Knight MP, Minister of State at the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which revealed that secondary and middle school class sizes in Suffolk are larger now than in 1997.
David Ruffley MP has today released details of figures he obtained in the House of Commons which reveal that the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) spent a staggering £121,300 on accommodation for officials between 12 November and 2 December 2007.
David Ruffley MP will be addressing the Bury St Edmunds branch of the Royal British legion in Bardwell on Friday 14 December at 4.30pm.
Police are targeting speeding motorists as 'easy pickings' while ignoring more dangerous drivers who are harder to catch or prosecute, critics claim.
POLICE are targeting speeding motorists as 'easy pickings' while ignoring more dangerous drivers who are harder to catch or prosecute, critics claim.
David Ruffley MP will be opening St Benedict's Catholic School's new cycle shelter on Friday 14 December at 11am.