David Ruffley MP has today written to all the Sub-Postmasters in his constituency outlining the threat that the Post Office's Network Change Programme poses to sub-post offices.
David Ruffley MP's website DavidRuffleyMP.com has been nominated as a finalist in the British Computer Society MP Website Awards 2007.
David Ruffley MP has today stated that the Healthcare Commission's annual survey of health trusts highlights the hard work and dedication of Suffolk's healthcare professionals while underlining the stark reality of the Governments neglect of shire counties.
The Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne MP, will be officially opening Dettingen House, the new headquarters of Beckett Investment Management Group and Insurance Risk Solutions Limited, on Friday 19 October 2007 at 10.30am.
David Ruffley MP will be taking his regular advice surgeries on the road in a tour of some of the villages in his constituency starting on Friday 19 October.
David Ruffley MP has today explained how new Conservative Party proposals, designed to help first-time buyers, will benefit people living in the Bury St Edmunds constituency.
David Ruffley MP has today announced the launch of a designated Freepost address which his constituents can use to contact him with their concerns about the West Suffolk Hospital.