David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market


It's time for the celebs to get real

What is up with some of these so called celebrities?

Britney Spears has shaved her head in a desperate bid for publicity. Her hair is now up for auction on the internet for $1 million. Pathetic.

Robbie Williams has just checked into rehab. Well Britney was there last month and Jade Goody as well – perhaps it’s a trend.

But seriously. Why can’t celebrities cope with life in the public eye? After all it is their choice to be there.

Some of these people have talent but not that many. Talentless so called celebrities with all the money and flunkies still can’t seem to hack it and lead together lives. I often think how stressed they’d be if they had to be on a housing waiting list in Mid Suffolk or St Edmundsbury and hit with Council Tax bills and demands for tax credits back from the Inland Revenue! That’s what a lot of people have to put up with.

It’s time for the celebs to get real.

Posted in Celebrities on 20 February 2007 by David Ruffley
