gjhfgjhhWarm Reaction for David Ruffley's Return to frontline political activity

Tuesday, 12 October, 2010

David Ruffley MP's return to full Parliamentary and constituency duties has been very warmly received.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: 'I join my Parliamentary colleagues on all sides of the House in warmly welcoming David back. I know he is looking forward to continuing to represent his constituents in Bury St Edmunds and fighting for the causes he believes in.'

gjhfgjhhRuffley calls public meeting on Cedars Park Community Centre: 'We must have faster progress'

Thursday, 11 November, 2010

David Ruffley MP has called a public meeting which he will chair at 7.30pm on Friday 12 November. It will be held at Cedars Park Community Primary School, Pintail Road, Cedars Park, Stowmarket, IP14 5FP.

Concern expressed by Cedars Park Residents Association about delays in providing a community centre at Cedars Park prompted David Ruffley to call the meeting.

Representatives of Mid Suffolk District Council, Crest Nicholson, the developers, and Suffolk County Council will attend.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley Probes Home Secretary on Police Bureaucracy

Thursday, 4 November, 2010

Bury St Edmunds MP, David Ruffley, questioned Home Secretary, Theresa May, in the House of Commons on the establishment of a new National Crime Agency (NCA). Mr Ruffley was concerned that a new agency may have a negative effect on the huge administrative burden already shouldered by police forces, having 'to comply with 162 separate protective services standards, involving answering 1,099 separate questions.'

gjhfgjhhEnter, stage left...

Friday, 19 May, 2006

Supporters of an historic Suffolk theatre have taken a giant step forward, raising £25,000 towards its restoration.

gjhfgjhhMP calls for vote over police merger

Thursday, 18 May, 2006

A SUFFOLK MP has today called for a county wide referendum to back or reject proposals to merge police forces in the region.

David Ruffley is concerned that amalgamating Suffolk Constabulary with forces in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk could put a strain on resources and see officers moved out of Suffolk to police crime hotspots elsewhere.

Research conducted on his website reveals that more than 95 per cent of the 642 questioned want the constabulary to remain as it is.

gjhfgjhhMP wants Branston in the House

Saturday, 13 May, 2006

AS British as bowler hats and warm beer, HP Brown Sauce has been the condiment of choice in the birthplace of democracy for a century.

But the brown sauce - emblazoned with an image of the Houses of Parliament, from which it takes its name - has seen its British credentials take a blow after bosses at Heinz announced production could move to Holland.

Now, an MP is now calling for a Suffolk-made sauce to take its place on Parliamentary dining tables.

gjhfgjhhFood giants start brown sauce war

Saturday, 13 May, 2006

A FOOD company and a supermarket chain are battling to take over the Houses of Parliament symbol on the HP brown sauce bottle.

Both firms say that as HP owners Heinz are switching production to Holland the Big Ben logo should be used on a brand made in England.

Branston said: "We'd be proud to have this label on our sauce bottle if HP is asked to remove it."

Asda added: "Producing it in Holland is like making Edam in Eastbourne. It's just not right."

MP David Ruffley is urging the Houses of Parliament to replace HP sauce in protest.

gjhfgjhhWill Blair leave in tears?

Friday, 12 May, 2006

SPARE us the tears please - that's my appeal to Labour MPs, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor.

Remember the scenes when Margaret Thatcher, stabbed in the back by her ungrateful Cabinet and backbenchers, quit Downing Street in 1990? As the television cameras cut to a close up in her official Jaguar, she was dabbing her eyes as the tears flowed.

gjhfgjhhCharities clear message

Thursday, 11 May, 2006

Getting your message across to deaf children should be easier, thanks to a campaign to promote communication.

gjhfgjhhFuture of Air Search teams to be decided

Tuesday, 9 May, 2006

THE Government will make an announcement today about the future of search and rescue helicopter services - including those in Suffolk - amid concerns that a privatisation could lead to job cuts and RAF base closures.

A 25-year contract likely to be worth around £1 billion is expected to be awarded to a private company to operate the search and rescue (SAR) services.

They are currently operated from 12 bases around the UK by helicopters run by the RAF, Royal Navy and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). They include Wattisham Airfield, near Needham Market.

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