gjhfgjhhThe Times: Cautions increase

Thursday, 22 January, 2009

Four out of 10 serious criminals are let off with a caution, and the number given for violent crimes has risen by 82 per cent in five years, the Tories said. David Ruffley , the Shadow Police Minister, said the figures meant fewer criminals went to court.

gjhfgjhhThe Express: Uproar as 317 sex offenders go on the run

Wednesday, 24 December, 2008

THE number of registered sex offenders feared to be missing has soared over the past two years, police figures suggested last night.

Data released from 38 police forces showed that 317 convicted perverts are classed as missing or unaccounted for.

The figure contrasts with 322 missing sex offenders reported by a much wider remit of 49 police forces in January 2007, indicating the total number has risen.

gjhfgjhhThe Express on Sunday, New 'vigilantes' a target for yobs

Sunday, 2 November, 2008

UNTRAINED civilians are being given mobile phones and reflective jackets by police and asked to patrol their own streets, tackling thugs or criminals if they need to.

The volunteers will be unleashed in a pilot scheme to crack down on antisocial behaviour, dealing with problems from yobs causing trouble in local parks, to dog-walkers who allow their pets foul pavements.

However, critics warn that the new breed of frontline volunteers could themselves be vulnerable to attack because they will have few real powers and insufficient training.

gjhfgjhhRuffley welcomes new consultation on Air Traffic proposals

Tuesday, 24 February, 2009

David Ruffley has welcomed the news that National Air Traffic Services (NATS) is to conduct a new consultation later this year on revised proposals to redraw the aircraft route map over Suffolk.

The proposal in last year's consultation by NATS would have seen aircraft being stacked over some of the most tranquil villages in David's constituency- including Drinkstsone, Felsham, Gedding and Rattlesden.

gjhfgjhhRuffley campaigns to reduce child victims of mobile phone thefts in Suffolk

Monday, 23 February, 2009

David Ruffley MP, Shadow Minister for Police Reform, and PC Jim Kidd are visiting St Benedict's School, Bury St Edmunds on Friday, 27 February 2009.

They will be advising children on crime prevention and personal safety and promoting Suffolk Constabulary's PROTECT IT, REGISTER IT campaign which encourages everyone to register their property on the immobilise.com website. Mr Paul Rossi, Headteacher of St Benedict's, has kindly arranged a special meeting of the School Council to meet Mr Ruffley and PC Kidd.

gjhfgjhhRuffley keeps up pressure on Highways Agency to cure subsidence on A14 at Rougham

Monday, 23 February, 2009

David Ruffley is continuing to keep up the pressure on the Highways Agency to resolve the subsidence on the A14 at Rougham following the recent update he received.

David has been informed by the Highways Agency that the subsidence problem on the A14 at Rougham lies with a drainage crossing trench, which is between 2.5 and 3.0 metres below carriageway level. There appears to be a 100-150mm deep void in the failing area.

gjhfgjhhRuffley to be quizzed on Radio West Suffolk

Monday, 2 February, 2009

David Ruffley is visiting Radio West Suffolk at their studio in West Suffolk Hospital on Friday, 6 February.

Radio West Suffolk is a volunteer-run radio station which broadcasts to patients at West Suffolk Hospital as well as locally on 1350AM and worldwide on the internet.

David will record an interview with Julie MacLeod, station manager, roving reporter and one of their regular presenters. The interview will be broadcast during Julie's 'What's Going On?' programme on Wednesday 11 February at 6.00pm.

gjhfgjhhThe Sun: Drunken girls on rampage; teen assault raps treble

Friday, 6 March, 2009

VIOLENT attacks by boozed-up teenage girls are soaring - with 63 offences committed every day, official figures revealed last night.

The number of crimes by females under 18 has more than TRIPLED in the past seven years.

For the first time, assault is now the most common reason for girls being arrested. And yobbish behaviour by teenage boys is FALLING.

The astonishing change in teenage louts is revealed in figures obtained by the Youth Justice Board.

gjhfgjhhDaily Mail, front page: A decade of delinquency

Friday, 6 March, 2009


A CRIMEWAVE blamed on Labour's 'decade of juvenile delinquency' has seen a huge increase in youth robbery and violence.

The number of offences committed by youngsters aged ten to 17 in the last year was 277,986 - more than one every two minutes.

A report from the Youth Justice Board yesterday charted robberies surging by 29 per cent between 2005 and last year to 6,669, including more than 30 carried out by children aged only ten.

gjhfgjhhExpress: Rising toll of violence by young

Friday, 6 March, 2009

DELINQUENT youngsters committed more than one crime every two minutes last year, an official report revealed yesterday.

Juveniles aged 10 to 17 were behind 277,986 offences, according to the Youth Justice Board's annual report.

In a damning indictment of Labour's crime policies, the survey showed robberies surged 29 per cent between 2005 and 2008 to 6,669.

Violent crimes soared by a fifth, from 44,988 to 53,930, while drug crime and criminal damage each rose by 12 per cent.

Girls account for more crime than ever. In 2004/05, they were involved in 18.4 per cent.

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