David Ruffley MP has welcomed confirmation today from Royal Mail that Fornham All Saints Post Office will reopen on 28 October 2005. Following the closure of the branch in July, local residents had been concerned that it would spell the end of this valuable service. The new proprietor is...
David Ruffley MP has reacted with dismay to Suffolk West Primary Care Trust's report for 2004/05 that was published yesterday.
David Ruffley MP has today written to Tony Blair, enclosing a copy of the Evening Star's article of 27 September, urging him in the strongest possible terms to respond to the crisis in Suffolk's health service.
David Ruffley MP has welcomed moves to bring University Campus Suffolk to Bury St Edmunds. This project could result in a major expansion of facilities at West Suffolk College.
David Ruffley MP is concerned that Suffolk truancy figures are above the national average and higher than in Cambridgeshire, Essex and Norfolk.
David Ruffley MP has voiced strong opposition to the proposed creation of a massive regional ambulance service covering six counties.
David Ruffley MP has this week launched a new survey on his interactive website, www.telldavidruffley.com, seeking his constituents' views on the local bus service.
David Ruffley MP has today again written to the Home Secretary to express his anger at Home Office plans to force Suffolk Constabulary to merge with the Norfolk and Cambridgeshire forces.
Bury St Edmunds MP, David Ruffley, will still be questioning the Government on its claim that it will postpone the Council Tax revaluation.
David Ruffley has been invited by Robert Beckett, Chairman of the Beckett Investment Management Group, one of the town's largest employers, to join his team to play in the Charity Golf Day on Friday, 16 September to raise funds for St Nicholas' Hospice. The charity match is being...