David Ruffley MP will be visiting Bury St Edmunds County Upper School to meet with sixth form Government and Politics students on Friday 6 March at 2.30pm.
David Ruffley MP will be performing the official opening of Moreton Hall Preparatory School's new Science Laboratory on Friday 6 March at 1.30pm.
David Ruffley MP will be attending the homecoming parade by servicemen and women from RAF Honington, who have returned from Afghanistan, on Saturday 7 March in Bury St Edmunds.
David Ruffley MP has expressed strong opposition in his response to Post Office Ltd's consultation for an outreach service point in Westview Gardens, Gislingham to replace the present Gislingham Post Office.
David Ruffley has welcomed the news that National Air Traffic Services (NATS) is to conduct a new consultation later this year on revised proposals to redraw the aircraft route map over Suffolk.
David Ruffley MP, Shadow Minister for Police Reform, and PC Jim Kidd are visiting St Benedict's School, Bury St Edmunds on Friday, 27 February 2009.
David Ruffley is continuing to keep up the pressure on the Highways Agency to resolve the subsidence on the A14 at Rougham following the recent update he received.