Time to switch ISP
It is finally getting easier to switch between Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
New research says three quarters of people are getting ripped off and paying too much for their broadband connection. But now, thanks to new rules introduced by the telecoms regulator Ofcom, we should all find moving to a cheaper deal a smoother process.
The cost of broadband can vary by as much as £303 pounds a year between ISPs and in the past providers have made it hard for customers to leave their deal.
Under the new rules if you want to move supplier all you need do is phone up and ask for your Mac (Migration Authorisation Code) and the supplier must release this to you within five days. Give this to your new ISP and within 30 days you will switch service.
Companies that refuse to hand over Macs will be given heavy fines and rightly so.
The broadband market is massively competitive. Shopping around can save heap of cash and now is the time to do it.
Posted in Technology on 19 February 2007 by David Ruffley
Sound advice. I had previously had problems getting my Mac from my ISP but having read about these new rules got straight on the phone and saved myself £20 a month.
Posted 19 February 2007 by Rose
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