gjhfgjhhRuffley welcomes watchdog report on the treatment of the elderly

Tuesday, 28 March, 2006

David Ruffley MP, the Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform, has today welcomed a joint report by The Audit Commission, Healthcare Commission and Commission for Social Care Inspection which states elderly people are being neglected and poorly treated by our health system.

The report entitled 'Living well in later life' was published this week and assesses progress five years into a ten year Government plan to improve services for people over the age of 50.

gjhfgjhhRuffley congratulates Maternity Service staff at West Suffolk for getting top billing

Tuesday, 28 March, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today congratulated maternity service staff at West Suffolk Hospital on meeting higher standards in quality of care and safety.

The NHS Litigation Authority's Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts, which was set up to fund clinical negligence litigation, seeks to support NHS Trusts' efforts in reducing claims by improving on services.

Assessors judge Trusts on several criteria including communication, staffing levels, training and keeping staff updated, implementation and reduction of risks and then rate them from 0 to 3, with 3 being the highest score.

gjhfgjhhRuffley welcomes pilot scheme bringing £1million to Suffolk's young people

Tuesday, 28 March, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today welcomed the news that Suffolk County Council is to receive more than £1million over the next two years to support the development of young people through allowing them to take part in activities they enjoy.

The funding has been made available via a Government 'youth opportunity card' pilot scheme.

Suffolk is one of only ten areas in England chosen to participate in the new scheme. The scheme will build on work done through the Suffolk County Council 'eXplore' youth travel and discount cards scheme.

gjhfgjhhRuffley asks local people: 'Where do you want your money to go?'

Monday, 3 April, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today launched a survey about the Chancellor's Budget on his interactive survey website, www.tellDavidRuffley.com.

David said:

'We heard in the budget what the Government are doing with taxpayer's money. But I want to know what local people want to happen with the hard earned money they give to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Where do you want your money to go?

gjhfgjhhRuffley welcomes 'Dead Ringers?' exhibition and calls for 'green' mobile phones

Monday, 3 April, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today applauded the 'Dead Ringers?' exhibition which opened at the Science Museum last week.

The exhibition draws attention to the waste disposal problems resulting from peoples' urge to constantly upgrade their mobile phone.

Key facts:

• In the UK a total of 1,712 mobile phones are upgraded every hour.

• Worldwide there are 7 billion mobile phones and only 1.3 billion users.

• In the UK it is estimated that there are between 20 and 90 million mobile phones lying around and out of use.

gjhfgjhhOutrageous bureaucracy is destroying village fund raising' says Ruffley

Monday, 3 April, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today voiced his concern that village fairs and events may become a thing of the past in the face of ever increasing bureaucracy.

The Woolpit Street Fair which has taken place annually for the last six years, raising over £10,000 for children and youth groups in the village, will not be taking place this year.

Woolpit Parish Council Clerk, Peggy Fuller, wrote to David Ruffley explaining that increasing bureaucracy is making village events less viable.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley questions why Suffolk's rape conviction rate is the second worst in the Country

Friday, 31 March, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today expressed his concern at the news that Suffolk has the second worst rape conviction rate in the whole Country.

In Suffolk only 1.6 percent of rape cases lead to a conviction. This compares to 5.39 percent in England and Wales as a whole and 13.79 percent in Northamptonshire, the best performing police authority area.

The figures were revealed in a report from The Fawcett Commission on Women and the Criminal Justice System which was published this week.

gjhfgjhhRuffley challenges Suffolk PCT, SHA and Hospital Trust over Mental Health Foundation report on the local links between alcohol and mental health

Tuesday, 18 April, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today as expressed his concern at the findings of the Mental Heath Foundation report 'Cheers?' which examines the relationship between alcohol and mental health.

The report reveals that nationally the number of hospital admissions with a primary or secondary diagnosis of 'mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol' has risen by 25 percent since 1995/96.

gjhfgjhhRuffley speaks to Stowmarket Chamber of Commerce and gets their views on Stowmarket regeneration

Tuesday, 18 April, 2006

David Ruffley is the guest speaker at a meeting of the Stowmarket Chamber of Commerce on Friday, 21 April at 12.30 p.m. at the Museum of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket.

David will speak to Chamber members about his vision for the future of Stowmarket and the local and national economy, including the effect of Gordon Brown's recent Budget on local businesses.

In turn, David will receive an update from the Chamber on the progress being made to regenerate Stowmarket.

gjhfgjhhRuffley voices support for Suffolk's farmers and signs House Of Commons Early Day Motion on Animal Welfare

Tuesday, 21 February, 2006

David Ruffley MP, the Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform, has today voiced his support for Suffolk's farming community in their competition against low quality foreign imports.

To show his solidarity with the region's farmers and to promote animal welfare David has put his name to House of Commons Early Day Motion 1625 which reads:

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