gjhfgjhhRuffley visits Angel Hill GP Surgery in first of series of meetings with local doctors and practice staff

Monday, 7 September, 2009

David Ruffley MP will visit Angel Hill Surgery in Bury St Edmunds on Friday, 11 September in the first of a series of meetings with general practitioners and associated nursing and practice staff in general practices throughout his constituency.

Meetings between MPs and GPs are being encouraged by the British Medical Association (BMA) in a scheme set up to give MPs the opportunity to learn more about the delivery of primary care.

gjhfgjhhRuffley visits Woolpit Health Centre to continue his series of meetings with local GPs

Friday, 11 September, 2009

David Ruffley MP will visit Woolpit Health Centre in Heath Road, Woolpit on Friday, 18 September to continue his series of meetings with local general practitioners and their associated practice staff.

Woolpit Health Centre is a large rural practice with six full time GPs, a wide range of primary care services and an on site pharmacy. They also run a minibus service to the Surgery to assist their patients in outlying villages.

gjhfgjhhRuffley underlines consultants fears over the future of Ipswich Hospital

Friday, 24 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP has this week spoken out in support of the consultants at Ipswich Hospital who are concerned about the future of the hospital and services that are being stripped from it.

gjhfgjhhRuffley urges Suffolk residents to be head strong

Sunday, 5 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP has this week called on local people to support Dementia Awareness Week which is taking place between 5 - 11 July.

The Alzheimer's Society's campaign aims to raise awareness of dementia and how to reduce your risk, and to raise vital funds to support people with dementia and their carers.

This year's theme for Dementia Awareness Week is 'Be head strong'. It's about being aware of the things people can do to reduce their risk of developing dementia.

gjhfgjhhRuffley to attend official opening of West Suffolk House

Monday, 6 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP will be attending the official opening of West Suffolk House which will be performed by Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, Alan Duncan MP, on Friday 10 July.

David said:

'I am delighted to be attending the opening of West Suffolk House. The new building has many 'green' features, which will reduce the carbon footprint of both Suffolk County Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council.

gjhfgjhhRuffley calls First Managing Director to House of Commons to discuss Howard Estate bus routes

Tuesday, 7 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP has this week asked the Managing Director of First Buses, Alan Pilbeam, to come to the House of Commons to discuss residents' concerns over the bus service covering the Howard Estate in Bury St Edmunds.

When Asda opened in the town residents in the area, led by Ernie Broom Chairman of the Over-60s group, had hoped a bus service would be introduced to link the Howard Estate to the new supermarket. Instead, Section 106 money was used to subsidise a bus service linking the Moreton Hall Estate to Asda and the new Public Service Village.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley calls and chairs meeting of all parties involved in Beyton flooding issue to broker a solution to this longstanding problem

Tuesday, 21 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP is keeping up the pressure on the parties involved in the longstanding flooding problem at Thurston Road, Beyton, by calling them to a meeting that he will chair on Friday, 24 July at Mid Suffolk District Council offices, Needham Market.

gjhfgjhhRuffley launches online bus survey

Monday, 20 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP has this week launched an online survey to investigate concerns over the quality of the bus service in his constituency.

David has recently invited the Managing Director of First Buses, Alan Pilbeam, to the House of Commons to try to find a solution to the concerns of residents on the Howard Estate in Bury St Edmunds who have no bus service to their nearest supermarket or GP surgery.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley questions English Heritage on what they are doing to save historic buildings in his constituency

Wednesday, 1 July, 2009

David Ruffley MP has written to Dr Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage, asking what action his organisation is taking to save the important historic listed buildings in his constituency which are at risk from neglect and decay.

David received a list of Grade I and Grade II* listed buildings in his constituency that appear in the newly published 2009 Heritage at Risk Register compiled by English Heritage.

The list comprises:

• Grade I listed: Drinkstone Post Mill;

gjhfgjhhRuffley launches Stowmarket and Needham Market heart attack care petition

Monday, 29 June, 2009

David Ruffley MP has this week launched a petition in opposition to the East of England Strategic Health Authority's moves to see Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) centres sited in Cambridge, Essex and Norfolk but not in Suffolk.

The introductions of PPCI centres will see all heart attack victims receiving treatment outside the county rather than at their local hospital.

David said:

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