gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP to discuss move to two tier education in Thurston and Beyton Area

Friday, 28 October, 2011

David Ruffley MP will be attending a meeting with 'community leaders' - including Parish Council Chairmen, Clerks and Members - at Stanton Village Hall to discuss the move to two tier education on Friday 28 October at 5.45pm.

David Ruffley said: 'Suffolk County Council (SCC) have recently started a consultation process for the Thurston Pyramid to implement the proposals agreed 4 years ago to move from 3 tier to 2 tier. This means children staying an extra 2 years (until end of year 6) in their primary schools and then transferring to

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP commissions 'Big Society Guide'

Wednesday, 26 October, 2011

A 'Big Society Guide' has now been created by the Government after David Ruffley MP requested the information from the Minister for Civil Society, Nick Hurd MP during his successful visit to Suffolk in the summer.

David Ruffley said: 'The interactive letter lists everything the Government has created to support the Big Society and voluntary organisations to date. It was commissioned after I discussed such an idea with the Minister at the very successful Big Society Summit Meeting that I chaired at the Apex conference centre in June this year.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP "Unemployment figures in Bury St Edmunds"

Wednesday, 14 September, 2011

'New unemployment figures for August 2011 released week beginning 12 September are disappointing', says David Ruffley MP.

'The latest unemployment figures for Bury St Edmunds have shown an increase of 53 unemployed people compared to the previous month. Across the UK, the number of people aged 18 or over claiming Jobseekers Allowance increased by 20,300 between July and August 2011 to 1.58 million people.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP champions improved Dementia care for Bury St Edmunds

Friday, 23 September, 2011

David Ruffley MP calls on local health trusts to implement the latest NICE recommendations on drug treatments for Alzheimer's Disease.

Suffolk Primary Care Trust's population is 529,081. The proportion of Suffolk Primary Care Trust's population which is over 65 is 19%.

Suffolk Primary Care Trust has 3,235 registered dementia sufferers. The proportion of the Trust's population who are registered as dementia sufferers is 0.53%.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP attends fundraiser at West Suffolk Hospital

Friday, 30 September, 2011

David Ruffley MP attended the world's biggest coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support at West Suffolk Hospital on 30th September 2011.

The event was held in the Macmillan Information Centre as part of a fundraiser which raised more than £8 million across the country last year.

The money raised will provide vital services for people living with cancer.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP supports Accumulator Challenge event for St Nicholas Hospice

Friday, 30 September, 2011

David Ruffley MP presented the Community Award at the Towergate Accumulator Challenge Presentation Ceremony on Thursday 29 September 2011.

The Challenge raised £40,000 this year and was run by St Nicholas Hospice, Bury St Edmunds, who provide long-term palliative care for patients with life-shortening illnesses.

Corporate Supporters were given £50 at the start of the summer and competed to see who could use the cash to create events to raise the most money to support St Nicholas Hospice Care.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP meets to discuss constituent concerns about the Localism Bill and National Planning Policy Framework

Friday, 30 September, 2011

David Ruffley MP attended a meeting on 29 September 2011 with Wortham Parish Council to discuss the impact of the Localism Bill and the National Planning Policy Framework on the local area.

The meeting, held at Wortham Village Hall, heard David speak about his opinions on the issues alongside Councillor Diana Kearsley and Simon Cairns, SPS.

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