gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP calls big banks to account for their lending in Suffolk

Wednesday, 4 January, 2012

David Ruffley MP will be hosting a banking forum for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Suffolk and Norfolk region with the FSB at 11am on 13 January at Lynford Hall, Thetford.

David Ruffley MP said: 'As a senior member of the Treasury Select Committee I am delighted to have helped organise this unique forum to discuss banking issues in the Eastern region.

The morning will commence at 11am with a speech by Chloe Smith MP, Treasury Secretary, about SME lending and the current economic climate.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP: new shock cancer rates for Suffolk

Wednesday, 4 January, 2012

David Ruffley MP is taking action to tackle cancer diagnosis and survival rates across his constituency.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP raises a glass to local beer production

Tuesday, 17 January, 2012

David Ruffley MP attended a beer tasting event with Greene King and the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group on Tuesday 17 January in the House of Commons.

David Ruffley said: 'Greene King is the largest employer in Bury St Edmunds and I am delighted to be participating in this event. This is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate to Parliament how our local industry is world beating.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley outraged by First Group bus withdrawal from Bury St Edmunds

Sunday, 15 January, 2012

This is quite outrageous. They are giving members of the travelling public just weeks before unilaterally pulling out of Bury St Edmunds. I'm completely appalled by the glib complacency of their statement that the withdrawal of service will cause 'minimal disruption'.

They give us their reason the fact that in Bury St Edmunds their operations 'have not been commercially viable'. Frankly, there should be no good reason for this except, perhaps, that First Group were not offering a very good service in the first place.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP on Stowmarket Walkabout celebrating creation of 250 Jobs

Friday, 20 January, 2012

David Ruffley MP will conduct a Stowmarket Town Centre Walkabout to see first-hand how regeneration is reviving the town with Councillor Lesley Mayes and Dave Benham, Regeneration Manager for Mid Suffolk District Council, on Friday 20 January at 9.30am.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP calls Chief Executive to account over standards at Ipswich Hospital

Friday, 27 January, 2012

David Ruffley MP said: 'I am disappointed by the failure of Ipswich Hospital to meet so many of its targets set out in its annual Quality Account 2010/2011 and by the sudden withdrawal of the Hospital's application for Foundation Status.

I will be asking Andrew Reed why the application has been withdrawn, and what impact this will have on the future of patient care at the hospital.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP: Questions for the Big Society at VCS Suffolk Congress Conference

Friday, 25 November, 2011

David Ruffley MP will be sitting on a panel organized by the Volunteer and Community Sector (VCS) Suffolk Congress Conference at 2.30pm on 25 November at Kesgrave Conference Centre.

David Ruffley MP said: 'The legacy of the last Government's debt means that savings must be made to prevent further damage to strained public services. However, it is reassuring to see how volunteer services are pulling together, trying to find out how Big Society thinking can help them deliver for Suffolk residents.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley MP to visit South Lee School to hear about plans for a new community facility

Friday, 25 November, 2011

David Ruffley MP will be visiting South Lee School in Bury St Edmunds on Friday 25 November at 10.30am, accompanied by Governor, Mr David Barker.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley: "Better news for the young people of Bury St Edmunds - new figures show apprenticeships are up from 2009 / 2010 academic year in Bury St Edmunds"

Tuesday, 29 November, 2011

Fresh data shows that 870 apprenticeships were delivered in Bury St Edmunds in the 2010/11 academic year, an increase of 16% on 2009/2010.

Local MP David Ruffley said 'This is better news for the businesses and young people in the Bury St Edmunds area. The rise in apprenticeship numbers, particularly in advanced 'A' level equivalent qualifications, shows the Government's commitment to helping employers train the skilled workers they need to build a stronger Suffolk economy.

gjhfgjhhRuffley welcomes Autumn Statement's modest boost for Suffolk businesses

Thursday, 1 December, 2011

David Ruffley said: 'I welcome the Autumn Statement's modest boost for Suffolk businesses.

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